NewDeal Hot Tip 1625

[Hot Tips for...] GEOS.INI

GEOS.INI: [keyboard]

The [keyboard] category of the GEOS.INI file defines how NewDeal uses the keyboard. These keys are usually set by Preferences.

device = <name>
This key defines the keyboard in use and should be set by the Preferences manager. It must be the full device name (EXAMPLE: U.S. Keyboard)

driver = <filename>
This key goes with the device key and contains the file name of the driver (EXAMPLE: kbd.geo)

keyboardTypematic = <number>
The number is interpreted as follows:
bit 7 : ignored
bit 6-5 : DELAY = delay
bit 4-3 : PE = period (exponent)
bit 2-0 : PM = period (mantissa)

delay = 1 second+(DELAY*250 milliseconds) +/-20%
period = (8+PMAN)*(2^PEXP)*0.00417 seconds
= 0 (short delay, fast repeat)
= 44 (standard delay, standard repeat)
= 127 (long delay, slow repeat)
If no typematic value is specified, NewDeal sets the default to 44 which is a medium delay and a medium repeat.

keyboardDoesLEDs = <true|false>
Most XT-class machines have a BIOS that doesn't support updating the LEDs for NumLock, CapsLock, and ScrollLock. For those that do, setting this key to true tells NewDeal that it can update the LEDs correctly. This key is unnecessary on AT-class and higher machines.

keyboardAltGr = <true|false>
Makes the right ALT key function the same as CTRL+ALT, European-style.

keyboardShiftRelStr = <true|false>
Makes the SHIFT keys release the CAPS LOCK key, typewriter-style.

keyboardSwapCtrl = <true|false>
Swaps the left CTRL key and the CAPS LOCK key, non-PC keyboard style.

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Last Modified 5 Mar 1999